We feel that hempcrete has infinite possibilities.
All of the problems faced by buildings up until now, such as earthquake resistance, humidity control, fire prevention, ventilation, heat insulation, antibacterial properties (anti-mold), age, electromagnetic waves, energy issues, and garbage issues, can be solved in a very simple way.
We feel that hempcrete has infinite possibilities in creating a comfortable space with high vibrations.

- 断熱性・温度コントロール
2. 調湿性・通気性
3. 防音性
4. 防火性
発火せず、有毒ガスも発生しません。耐火性に優れているため、仕上げと厚さに応じて最大 2 時間以上の耐火性を発揮します。
5. 安全性・100% 自然素材
100% 自然素材で作られており、シックハウスと言われる現代の問題を引き起こしませんので安全で安心です。当社で扱っているヘンプブロックは1パレット分で約 100kg の CO2 を貯蔵します。再利用も可能なのがヘンプクリートのすばらしいポイントです。
1. Thermal regulation
They regulate the temperature thanks to their ability to diffuse accumulated heat. True thermal buffer; the internal temperature is kept constant and the impact of heat variations between day and night is significantly reduced.
2. Water regulation
They regulate humidity thanks to their high permeability to water vapour. They also act as a water buffer, thus providing a constant and healthy indoor climate for the building occupants.
3. Sound proofing
They dampen and absorb noise. As true sound dampeners, they allow the absorption or abatement of the majority of acoustic waves, thus protecting against noise pollution.
4. Resistance and reaction to fire
They do not catch fire and do not emit toxic fumes. Thanks to their excellent reaction to fire, they offer up to more than 2 hours of fire resistance depending on the finish and thickness.
5. 100% natural
As a 100% natural solution, they also have a positive carbon footprint. A pallet of hemp blocks IsoHemp stores 100kg of CO2.
