Keiko Iris (田丸恵子)
1974年東京生まれ。東京芸術大学でファゴットを学び、卒業後ドイツへ渡るが、心の入れ替えと共に大好きなイタリアへ移住。ボローニャのIstituto C.Secoliにてファッションを学ぶ。日本に一時帰国した時にヘンプと出会い、一筋の強い光を感じて、5年のヨーロッパでの暮らしを閉じて帰国。麻が伝統繊維として日本にもたらした歴史や文化とその特性に魅了される。胎児の頃から野口整体の環境に生まれ育った感受性と経験を活かし、ファッションを新しい形で捉え、流行りによるものではなく、その人らしさと身体感覚を引き出すものを作りたいと、2003年にヘンプウェアブランド「LunatiCanapa」を立ち上げた。
Born in 1974 in Tokyo. After studying bassoon at Tokyo University of the Arts, she moved to Germany after graduating. Studied fashion at Istituto C.Secoli in Bologna. After completing a degree in Fashion Design in Bologna Italy, Keiko was introduced to Hemp, a traditional Japanese plant used since prehistoric times. Impressed by what she learned about Hemp and Japanese Hemp Culture, she began her fashion brand “Lunati Canapa” in 2004.
Keiko’s objective is to make clothing that does not put stress on the body, inspired by her own intuitive sense, and her experience growing up with Noguchi Seitai`s life-health culture in human nature.
Traveled to Europe for the first time in 20 years due to the corona crisis and went to Denmark. Along with restarting as “Arco D’oro”, she is active in two bases with the theme of “live like dancing”.
“Our product and knowledge can be a player in this growing field of sustainable awareness and upcoming new hemp age”.
Likes: Dancing, singing, playing Lyre, writing, nature, flowers, etc.